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Why the creation could not take place
without a Creator?


Agile Author Astral O Astute
Brilliant Beginner Bountiful O Beatitude
Conforming Creator in Care ‘n’ Command

Once upon a no time when there was only the precept of the principal with providence and when there was no perception of time or creation, there was not even a whippersnapper in actuality or the simile of a proposal in presentation of substantiality except for the bounty of the supreme principal, at that twinkling and trice the precept (ruling faculty) of the principal with providence (forethought) designed to devise the whole cosmic order with life into a reality of existence. And so He looked on the whims of surmise with a look of excellence, for nothing in actuality, not even the icon of initiation that is the source of all existence can bear the perfect manifestation of the Supreme Principal (Almighty Allah) with all the providence. Perhaps it was only nature that belonged to the basic framework of all the matter besides the precept of the principal with providence that governed the basic ingredients of matter, abounding the decree and deliberation of nature that directed the whole cosmic order.

If we see an object during daytime and not at night, it’s because there’s light during the day that helps us to see things. It supports the effect of light that assists us to see something. This consequence or the effect of light must have a source, (i.e., the sun). The sun did not conceive itself; there must be a discernable source behind the creation of this effect. We understand that each effect has a source and the source has logic behind its creation. We invariably pronounce that source as nature. A mighty nature is behind the creation of the entire panorama with definite laws or the principles with forethought (providence).

All these effects and equipage to which I attribute the name Allah, some call it Bhagwan and still others call it God, because nobody has refuted the word nature.

One cannot really comprehend His order of precept with providence in the whole universe from a microscopic speck of an electron, even to the extent of a photon that’s not discernable even with the most powerful microscope, to the most ungraspable cosmic domain—the strata of Multiverses. Only the lowest sky of that is decked with stellar sprawl in swarm. What could be His order of design and arrangements in the rest of the six skies, a desolate void of unlit cosmic sway?

The legend of modern science when combined with the philosophical inspirations invariably sorts out the labyrinth. The Qur’an has very clearly elucidated each notion. It is His Almighty Allah alone who dictates the decree of the universe, as we discern that each linguistic alphabet starts with the “A” of “Allah.” The notion indicates the first numerical “one.” A’llah Almighty is “one.” Before “A,” there is no alphabet to substantiate any whim of surmise, but before the first numerical one “1,” there is zero “0,” the nullity or nihility.

Now, we turn toward the perception of earlier initiation (i.e., the precept in the principle of providence concerning the cosmic order and all).

“A,” Allah Almighty, it was a singularity to say “one,” but in materiality there was nothingness, nullity or the nihility “zero,” besides “one”. (We will later affirm that Nullity was just nothing but His command). According to Qur’anic conviction there was just one precept as a “principal” with providence, who commanded the “singularity” at core that had virtually no order of discernment of any sign or inkling in terms of time or matter.

“Is there any letter before “A”?
“How ridiculous it is?”
“And is there a number or numerical before one?”
Yes it is zero: “0”

We have seen that nullity or the nihility is nothing but zero and it has no space to occupy and no physical features, so the nullity was nowhere there and then where it possibly could be. We know the value of nullity or zero is just nothing without the figure “one”; otherwise, so we conclude that nullity was nothing but the indeterminate power in the mighty hands or command of Allah Almighty. He would evince His power and then conclude it once again to nullity, and the scientists believe that it would be the seedling for the next creation. This is a very interesting subject as the scientists still don’t know how this ever-expanding model of the world is behaving like a closed model; the details in this context are given in “The Fate of the Universe.” (Al Zumur 39:67)

When we consider the earliest state of initiation, the Qur’an refers it as smoke of inconclusive characteristic. Embracing the concept of “smoke” once again draws us close to the subject of initial creation that had no contour or configuration as with the most sophisticated scientific endowments we perceive all cosmic horizons full of blazing smoke some 15 billion light years before. We don’t have the means to look at the initial stages of “singularity” or the nihility of an inconclusive order of density.

We will discuss later in the chapter of perfect creation the nature of nihility and force holding this indiscriminate power.

In the epoch of the sprawl of creation, the big bang or divine decree in dictate for this domain, Kun,when matter and time set out their travel in trail, Fa Ÿa Koon,from the nihility of singularity to an indeterminate order of imperceptible consequence, one must diligently try to deliberate as to where the modern scientific concept differs from Qur’anic philosophy at this most critical juncture of the creation of time and the matter of the cosmic order and the life in it. There with a steady stream of spectacular discoveries forthcoming in this domain, the Grand Observatories of Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) turns to reveal fascinating leaps in lines to encompass and help us comprehend the clue and code of the fundamental nature of the universe.

How congruent are these doctrines that bring faith in the precept of providence and modern scientific convictions close together to embrace a uniform view of creation?

We have to understand the logic of creation and the myth of life in the light of the true discernment of faith that is time and again professed in the Qur’an. (Al-Hadeed 57:3)
Allah Almighty reiterates that He’s the “First” and the “Last”.
The first numeral, of course, is one as we affirm that His Almighty Allah is “One.”
The Nature of Nihility or the Nihility:
The scientists say that it just had no space to occupy or shadow to have?
Then the obvious question arises what was it and where was it?
When He was there as precept of A Principal with providence, there was nihility (i.e. His Almighty’s command, the force or the energy that was virtually invisible or nowhere to substantiate its actuality Scientists say Nihility has no place to occupy or even no shadow that later on the demand of Lord Almighty turned into the matter or all of the substance besides Him) so figuratively it was ten or 10, with one commanding the nihility, “0,” the zero at the core.

When we turn to the stellar sprawl in the creation of the Multiverses, we understand that Lord Almighty, who is “indeterminate” and “incomprehensible” (i.e., omnipotent) could only instigate a most unfathomable and ungraspable cosmic order, for nihility could otherwise never achieve a figuratively conceivable status in concern.

Figuratively, when we write for the indeterminate order of consequence, we place it something like this:
Even if we add a value:
To the above figure, it loses its identity in infinite terms.

It becomes something finite but not last; so to be infinite and indeterminate, it has to be only “9” and nothing else.
(The multiple of nine is always9)

Not a bit in terms of knowledge can be conceived to His indeterminate order of wisdom, because He is the sole originator of all conceivable domain of knowledge. For Allah Almighty is infinite, eternal, and unbounded for His command and demand in score, besides his sapience and sagacity in score, so we cannot add even a bit of a trace to His indeterminate order of consequence in lore (knowledge).

So figuratively, it was ten (‘1’ the Lord Almighty and the Nihility or ‘0’ His command at the time of the creation of the universes, which had to expand indefinitely to some order that cannot be conceived and be something like:
10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Can we say for sure whether this notion of figurative concern has some predetermined end to it?
Yes! It has a predetermined end to it as discussed later in this chapter.

Look at the figure with the immeasurable order of consequence (i.e., one with an innumerable zeroes besides it still remains “one” if we remove all the zeroes beside it, whereas nihility or “0” after attaining an ungraspable order of discernment is nothing without “one”). Now consider the whole consequence of creation in this context.

A mathematical proof:

But there is a strong belief that the nihility started off at its own to an incomprehensible order of cosmic sway. We shall have to consider the appropriateness of nihility in mathematical terms; that’s 0. If we multiply zero by an infinite number, the outcome is still zero; for it would have still stayed as nihility or zero because the multiple of nihility cannot have figuratively conceivable dimensions. Indeed! There had to be a source or the precept of the principal with providence to kick off the blow. And we affirm that one supreme principal with providence initiated the whole order in consequence with His command that initiated as extreme energy. How could the creation take place without the command of “one,” the Lord, Allah Almighty, God, Brahma, or Bhagwan?

That’s the state today with the one of indeterminate order of consequence besides “nihility” (i.e., zero) commanding its enigmatic and mysterious expanse in distance and direction. And if ever the cosmological arrow of time is reversed, it’ll make it difficult for life to survive the odds. At that instance, the order of figurative discernment once again would tend to be “one” besides nihility or zero (i.e., 10). Different scientific theories suggest that already isolated events of crunch are happening in the cosmological order, like black holes, and the Qur’an also predicts series of events of big crunch.( At the end all cosmological panorama will be in the grasp or the fist of My hand and the skies swathed around it.  Al Zumur: 39:67)

The Qur’an has asserted it over and again that there has to be a sudden end to the realm of life besides the end of the cosmic domain particularly in the last chapter (i.e., a big smash eventuating in a series of big crunches).


The Day We’ll whirl heavens in twirl
An’ recorder list then scribble in swirl
As ‘We’ began the first (creation) in sway
We’ll trend to it once again in array
It’s pledged from ‘Us’ in pace
‘We’ to assert once more to place
(Al Anbiyaa 21:104)

And once again, there will be only one precept of principal with providence besides nihility.

So we learn that at the earliest state of creation, there was an order of ten (i.e., ‘1’ beside nihility or zero “0”), the multiple of which is one hundred, and as we determine the boundless cosmic order today, we refer to the figure of nine, the multiple of which is eighty-one.

The difference between the two, one hundred and eighty-one, is nineteen.
Similarly, ten plus nine is nineteen, and ten minus nine is one.

The one is the Lord Almighty, the omnipotent, and nineteen stays as a figurative stamp (As Galileo made his eminent statement that mathematics is the language with which Lord Almighty created the Universes) on His creation.
Once again, turning toward the order of consequence in figures, all other numerical are the figures between one and nine with nihility playing a substantial role.
How congruent is this concept as we read the Holy Scripture?
The chapters in the Holy Scripture are 114, a multiple of nineteen.
The first revelation has exactly nineteen words.   (Al-‘Alaq 96:1-5)
The last revelation also has exactly nineteen words.
  (Al-Nasr 110:1-3)

Likewise بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ     is mentioned 114 times; it is missing once in Surah Taubah, but appears twice in Surah Naml.
Similarly, this benevolent sentence has nineteen letters.
How do we determine mathematical discipline in “nature”?


This list was found in a Book on Page: 364:
COMET by Carl Sagan and Ann Durian, Published by Random House,
New York, 1985
Every apparition listed (except, of course, the last two) was recorded by the astronomers of earth.
Thirty- two Perihelion Passage of Halley Comet







March / 3



3 30 239 = 19 X 17381

October / 10




August / 8




October / 10





January / 1




March / 3




May / 5



5 17 218 = 19 X 27222

April / 4




February / 2




June / 6



1 (first counting)

September / 9




March / 3




September / 9




May / 5




February / 2




July / 7




September / 9




March / 3




April / 4




October /10




October /10




November /11




June / 6




August / 8




October /10




September / 9




March / 3




November /11



  19 (End counting)


April / 4




February / 2





July / 7




March / 3




In the following verse, His Almighty, while elucidating His semblance or nature, has very eloquently made clear the type and sort of physical laws operating in the Multiverses. We have a long way to go to comprehend the philosophy of the Qur’an, but I have attempted to give a brief elucidation of some of the topics, so that a reader can cherish the wisdom of the Holy Scripture.

Lord is The Only Glow in Gleam
Of the heavens and earth in esteem
Semblance of His Gleam
That’s the,
Shimmer ‘n’ glimmer of Noor in extreme

Wherein the lamp is placed in recess
Glass surrounds the lamp in access

The glass as a lustrous star in glow
Lamp is aglow of (sacred) olive in flow

That’s not in the East or West
And the oil alluvial in glow

There’s no flare or flash
Shimmer over Glimmer in swash

Lord escort to His Gleam in grace
Men, He prefers His favor in pace

Simile of Lord is for men to aside
Lord discerns and concerns all in stride
(Al Nõõr 24:35)

Can you really understand the lamp and the lamp placed in a nook amidst the chandelier, a word used by Maulana Abul Ala Maudodi while describing the above-mentioned verse?

The universal space contains all the laws of the universe (e.g., inertia, gravity, quantum mechanics, biogenetics, electromagnetic emission, the atomic laws, evolution, and whatnot). Every cubic centimeter of space from one end of the universe to the other is filled with a definite law that makes the universe and everything in it work. These natural laws in turn create space and determine the size of the universe. Where the laws end, the universe ends.

If the laws only extended outward in all directions for just one meter, this would be the size of the whole grand universe comprised of Multiverses bounded by the strata of lower skies. (Fussilat 41:12)

There would be no space beyond this sphere of influence. It could not extend one bit further. The laws of universal space precisely determine and control all actions and interactions of matter and energy within the Multiverses, from the tiniest space between the subatomic particles to the vast expanse of the Multiverses. The laws of the Almighty created universal space; without its laws, the universe would not exist.

Energy is nothing without matter to push around. Matter has no mass without energy. Together, under the absolute rule of the laws of space, they create this complex, dynamic universe we live in. Even if there were no matter or energy in universal space, it would still exist as long as divine laws existed, although it would be rather pointless.

I cannot bring myself to believe that all these exquisite, impeccable, tangled, and all-pervading laws of nature just happened to come into being without some infinitely wise and all-powerful reality creating them. I am talking about the natural laws of the universe. There is an “all-powerful reality,” His Almighty Allah, behind all these philosophies of mankind, other living beings, and the cosmic sway.

The laws of space govern everything within the universe. They do not go on forever, nor do they gradually weaken and dissipate. They are either completely in force, or they do not exist at all. Where the laws do not apply, neither energy nor matter can exist; therefore, there is no space. The boundary of the universe is not a wall; it is simply where the laws of the universe end—the lower skies, as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: “I’ve decked the Lower Skies with stellar sprawl” (41:12)

The Multiverses are shaped like a hollow sphere with nature’s laws governing and unifying everything within the sphere. The laws of nature create space, as we know it. Outside the sphere, beyond the boundary of the universe, nothing can exist. It is completely devoid of all energy and matter. Beyond the boundary, the laws of universal space do not exist; therefore, nothing can exist. Even space itself does not exist, to our knowledge.

The stars and planets could not form since there would be no mass or gravity to hold them together. A light ray could not travel in this region because there would be no laws to guide it. But the “gleam in glow” of His Almighty, who is the source of all laws, doesn’t need any physical laws to perpetuate.

There would be no possible way to determine if this region ended just beyond our reach or extended out to infinity. But the Lord Almighty, evincing His semblance, clearly elucidates this region’s limits as an imperceptible transparent glass, because the space itself is an unlit transparency like a glass. In the text, His Almighty, soon after elucidating His discipline of cosmic order that He organized so ubiquitously in a fascinating discipline of measure, advises man to observe the same in his daily routine.

When there was an initial whisper of Kun,there was a swizzle of initiation, Fa Ϋa Koon,merging in the swash of eternity; the glow of light coming from the brawl of the big bang took around fifteen billion light-years to reach us today. That’s from the early click of creation, and scientists affirm that, “Our future stretches ahead much farther than our past trail behind.”Can you dream of the size of the cosmic domain; where somewhere at the core of origin “the Nõõr,” evince its glow?

Light has a substantiated actuality of source that could either be chemical, electrical, or mechanical, and its speed is around 186,000 miles per second. But Nõõr has no evinced source of ignition. The Lord Almighty asserts that it evinces its glow on its own without the element of combustion. The speed of Nõõr cannot be actually comprehended because as it will be discussed later in “Divine perception of Time,” for angels that are a part of Nõõr, their speed ranges from fifty million to two hundred million times the speed of light, and the speed of the Archangel Gabriel is thirty billion times the speed of light (details in “The Divine Perception of Time”).

Nay! You really cannot grasp or appreciate the “indeterminate sway” in the sweep of the chandelier. Can you? Where beyond in the cosmic order, the rule of scientific laws has no way to stay only His gleam in glow shimmers and glimmers in flow like a star?

While describing His glow in gleam, the Lord Almighty defines the limit of the cosmological arrow of time, when it will face an edge, a transparent glass-like limit that determines the end of the Multiverses; perhaps, there beyond, physical laws wouldn’t hold good to support the existence of life or the Lord Almighty Himself wouldn’t like it to perpetuate beyond definite limits (the lower skies 41:12).

That’s the time when the thermodynamic arrow of time will also reverse, as the temperature at the core of creation would probably reach absolute zero according to some scientific theories (i.e., -273.15 on the Celsius scale or -459.67 Fahrenheit). This will be the time when the matter once again will be converting into energy as the rise in temperature will be taking place with series of big smash. Different galaxies and stars will be swallowed by the black holes, and there alone the gravitational force will be dissipated in the void raising its temperature to billions and trillions. Then finally, the black holes will evaporate. The intense gravitational force then released will sweep across to swallow the space and energy and finally will wrap up under its own intense gravitational influence to an infinitely minute point, the nullity—a seedling for the next creation. There’s another arrow of time called the “interminable arrow” of time(discussed later in “Divine Perception of Time” as a time of nihility). We don’t have a way to really ascertain the nature of this time for it existed before the creation of the Multiverses. It would flow for eternity in the indeterminate cosmic sway, with the Astral O Astute Gleam in Glow of Allah Almighty surging in flow, in the most incomprehensible array.

This is also asserted in Surah Al-Rahman 55:7

Raised the Heavens and set its brink

That you may not cross it’s brim

Brink and brim are confines limiting the expansion of Multiverses, thus indicating a predetermined order of the big smash (discussed in “The Fate of the Universe”).

This interminable arrow of time has nothing to do with the big bang because it took its strides ever since the Lord Almighty evinced His “Being” with the creation of the angels and other exigencies for what we don’t have the means to discern.

The glow or the glimmer of Nõõr does not need any physical laws for illumination beyond the glass or the lower skies; rather the glow of light, as we experience it, becomes more intense in illumination beyond the glass. So the glimmer of Nõõr has the lustrous glow of a star infinitely beyond in the cosmic sway that to our knowledge has no borders or end. This gleam of Nõõr is not subjected to a saddle curve like ordinary light but pierces through and through even the densest lead sheets or any other encumbrances for these are all His creations. I assert this because I had a glimpse of His glow piercing through the rooftops and different strata of the Multiverses, directed toward my heart, wherein I could perceive the vistas of the whole in lucid drill.

Gather up every last mote and particle of matter between here and the edge of creation and squeeze it into a spot so infinitesimally compact that it has no dimensions at all: the singularity with no space or darkness. For singularity has nothing around it. There is no space to occupy it, with no place for it to be. We cannot even imagine how long it has been there, if it has been here forever or just recently was contrived into being, at a right moment to travel in the frame of the time domain that we name the thermodynamic arrow of time, cosmological arrow of time, or psychological arrow of time, and yet another interminable arrow of time.

So we start with Kun, Fa Ϋa Koon. In a single flash, much too fast and expansive for words to assert, this singularity assumes a heavenly dimension with space beyond conceiving mentally. The first lively second produces all the physical forces with gravity and all the other laws commanding modern physics.

Because before Kun, Fa Ϋa Koon,time did not yet exist to our knowledge, there is no way to measure this event, but scientists have agreed to start the universal clock at Planck time.

During those early moments, matter was an ultra-hot, super-dense brew of particles called quarks and gluons, which were rushing hither and thither and crashing willy-nilly into one another. A sprinkling of electrons, photons, and other elementary light particles seasoned the soup. This mixture had a temperature in the trillions of degrees, more than 100,000 times hotter than the sun’s core.

But the temperature plummeted as the cosmos expanded, just like an ordinary gas cools today when it expands rapidly. The quarks and gluons slowed down so much that some of them could begin sticking together briefly. After nearly ten microseconds had elapsed, the quarks and gluons became shackled together by strong forces between them, locked up permanently within protons, neutrons, and other strongly interacting particles that physicists collectively call “hadrons.” Such an abrupt change in the properties of a material is called a phase transition (like liquid water freezing into ice). The cosmic phase transition from the original mix of quarks and gluons into mundane protons and neutrons is of intense interest to scientists, both those who seek clues about how the universe evolved toward its current highly structured state and those who wish to understand better the fundamental forces involved.

The protons and neutrons that form the nuclei of every atom today are relic droplets of that primordial sea, tiny subatomic prison cells in which quarks thrash back and forth, chained forever. Even in violent collisions, when the quarks seem on the verge of breaking out, new “walls” form to keep them confined. Although many physicists have tried, no one has ever witnessed a solitary quark drifting all alone through a particle detector.

In less than a minute, the universe is a million billion kilometers across and growing fast. Imagine, the speed of light is only around three hundred thousand kilometers per second, so the celerity of the inflation of the universe at the time of creation is really beyond human perception. There was extreme heat all around, ten billion degrees of it, enough to begin nuclear reactions and create the lighter elements like hydrogen and helium with a dash of lithium. In three minutes, 98 percent of all the matter there is or will ever be has been produced.

It took one billion years (approximately this long) for the newly formed Earth to cool, develop oceans, give birth to single-celled life, and exchange its carbon dioxide–rich early atmosphere for an oxygen-rich one. Meanwhile, the sun orbited four times around the center of the galaxy. Because the universe is twelve to fourteen billion years old, units of time beyond a billion years are not used very often.

In innumerable verses, the Lord Almighty has asserted that all the cosmological order has to face a big smash with an eventual series of big crunches. This cosmological discipline is still expanding with a speed of 186,000 miles per second and will continue for however long it takes to reach the brim of the cosmological domain where the lower sky is the limit of the closed model. This is virtually a citation from Allah Almighty; the lower sky is referred to as a glass cover. There in the glass at the core is the alluvial gleam of Nõõr evinced in the “center,” which belongs neither to the east nor to the west.

Time Sequence of Events in Creation and Temperature
0 sec Birth of the Multiverses  
10-43 sec Quantum gravity era: strings or other exotic physics in play 1032 oC
10-35 sec Probable era of inflation: universe expands exponentially 1028 oC
10-11 sec Electro-weak phase transition: Electromagnetic and weak forces become different 10 quadrillion oC
0.1 micro-sec   20 trillion oC
1 micro-sec   6 trillion oC
10 micro-sec Quarks are bound into protons and neutrons                                                                       2 trillion oC
100 sec Nucleo-synthesis: formation of helium and other elements from hydrogen billion oC
380,000 years First neutral atoms form 2,700 oC

The perimeter of the glass is just to affirm; that’s the limit for the cosmological arrow to take its bend. When that is to be is still far, far from our comprehension, because when this expansion or the cosmological arrow of time reaches that limit, where beyond, it will be hard for the physical laws to keep their discipline, the cosmological arrow will be reversed along the interminable arrow of time and the Multiverses will face a big smash, eventuating in a series of big crunches providing a seedling for the next creation. The Lord Almighty asserts that He will create all the Multiverses and the living beings anew to cherish the fruits of this trivial stay in the transit lounge wherein during the stay you have the choice to collect as many of the things as possible from the duty-free shop, but you must be sure to leave them before embarking on the next flight—that’s the life in this world—and then to treasure the bloom of eternal life, from the initiation of the creation (i.e., the big bang to the time of big smash, when the universe is expanding with a speed of thirty thousand kilometers per second for around fifteen billion light-years, where one light-year is six trillion miles). Can you imagine how trivial is our stay in this world, if we take into accounts the life in the Hereafter?

But cosmologists believe that the universe will probably keep expanding indefinitely, until long after the last star dies (one hundred trillion years from now) and the last black hole evaporates (10100 years from now). Our future stretches ahead much farther than our past trails behind.

Like quite a few verses enumerated frequently in the Holy Scripture, the following verse gives a very clear explanation of how the Lord Almighty would create the whole order of creation once again.

The Day We’ll whirl heavens in twirl
And a recorder list up a scribble in swirl
As We began the first creation in sway
We’ll trend to it once again in array
It’s pledged from Us to stay
(Al Anbiyaa' 21:104)
The Lord is domineering.
Either the Lord has no power or He has all the power. If then He has no power, why do you pray to Him? But if He has all the power, why don’t you adjure and entreat Him to give you the faculty of not fearing any of the things which you fear or of not desiring any of the things which you desire or not being pained at anything, rather than pray that any of these things should not happen or happen? For certainly, if His Almighty can alleviate the agony of men, they can cherish the fruit for these designs and consigns. But perhaps you will say the Lord has placed them in your power. Well, then, is it not better to use what is in your power like a free man than to desire in a slavish and abject way what is not in your power? And who has told you that the Lord does not aid us even in the things which are in our power?

And everything, which is useful to the universal nature, is always good in reason. Therefore, the termination of life for every man is no evil, because it is not shameful, since it is both independent of the will and not opposed of the will and not opposed to the general interest, but it is good, since it is reasonable and congruent with the universal nature.
The Nature of the Unseen:     
To those who ask, have you seen the ‘Principal with providence ’ or how do you comprehend that He exists and so worship Him alone? I answer, in the first place, that he may be seen even with true discernment in the veer of your core; in the second place, neither have I seen even my own soul, but yet I honor it. Thus then with respect to the providence, from what I constantly experience of His power, from this I comprehend that Al-Almighty exists, and I venerate Him.

Close your eyes and start slowly reciting the venerated name “Allah” while you exhale with your full concentration toward your heart. Gradually, the sluice of your heart will start flinging open, and eventually, you will feel as if floating in the infinite vistas of the cosmic sway. You wouldn’t know where you are in the cosmos, like a wee pinch in the illimitable ocean, but a circumstance of prudence and sagacity, animation and elation of beatitude would transcend. You feel the whim of consciousness beaming in brilliance, illustrious and effulgent glowing in glimmer, lucid and luminous, as it insinuates the depth of vision; the exultance of seclusion triumphs, and then everything looks completely resplendent and gleaming. That’s the moment you cherish the exhilaration and ecstasy. But as you are return to your conscious being, even though you may contemplate to go back into the bliss of elation, you cannot really get back to the state of tranquility with all your body senses intact, because it is not conceivable to cherish the bliss of ecstasy of the ephemeral being when you’re in your earthly self.

It is the intimate and numinous approach with an experience of sense of immense cognizance melting into infinite space when the body has already melted into the soul and the soul then becomes part of the whole that once consummated and cherished the bliss and delight of numinous moments. It is not conceivable to accomplish that cadence of discernment without the munificence of His Almighty.

The second order of faith in the unseen is to trust and believe in the Hereafter. The veridical concept in the Hereafter stands at a dilemma because the new generation is quite allergic to paying attention to this word, as they trust and believe that as we are created by chance, so we need to allure the boons of this opportunity and cherish the charms of this life in the midst of fury and flurry to its peak in prime, for otherwise, we’ll be deprived of the opportunity that nature by way of chance happened to endow them.

Ruler, the Lord with forethought

To understand the arrow of time and wormhole theory, I would recommend the reader study A Brief History of Time, because that’s quite a complete subject in itself.

More precisely 299,796 kilometers/second outside the gravitational field of the sun (i.e., in space) or 12,000 lunar orbits/Earth day.

A Mighty Nature (Principal) ruling (precept) with forethought (providence)



Adam of Science and Adam of Qur’an are One not Two

Journey of Me’eraaj of Prophet (PBUH)

Faith in the Unseen

Why the creation could not take place without a creator?

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